Monday, February 22, 2021

Several data must be mastered when debugging the feed pellet machine

Before debugging the cattle feed business pellet machine, it is necessary to wash the warehouse before debugging, remove the stones and welding slag left during the installation, and check whether the steam pipeline system used has a good decompression function and drainage function to ensure The dry and saturated tempering steam required for granulation, and can ensure that there is always 0.058-0.4MPA steam after the pressure reducing valve. Before starting the feed pellet machine, the distance between the pressure roller and the ring die must be adjusted, generally rotating When the ring die, the pressure roller seems to rotate and not rotate, and the distance between the ring die and the pressure roller must not be adjusted too small, which will cause direct friction, which will not only accelerate the wear of the ring die and the pressure roller, but also reduce the unit output during production. The other is that the feeding amount should not reach the maximum instantaneously when running the cattle feed pellet machine, and a little material should be added while adding a little steam at the same time to make the feeding amount reach the ideal value for about 5-10 minutes.

ABC Machinery specializes in the production of sawdust pellet machines, poultry feed business pellet machines and rod making machines. More products are available:

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