As the country is now beginning to promote environmental
protection, an international biomass energy exhibition has been held in
Shanghai, laying a solid foundation for the impact of the small livestock
feed manufacturing machine in the Chinese market.
Gasification combustion boiler of sawdust particles:
High low emission biological (sawdust particles) mass semi gasifier, biological (sawdust particles) heating equipment, drying equipment, particle gasification combustion boiler, fireplace, the use of straw, wood chips and other waste) fast-burning biochar, biomass direct combustion furnace, burning boiler smoke elimination, SN efficient biomass gasification device, straw gas type parts, etc. Is now a trend of social environmental protection, so that the small poultry feed production machine market began to grow, demand also began to change.
Solid waste energy utilization:
Organic waste biomass integrated treatment power generation system, pyrolysis and liquefaction equipment, industrial waste gas, waste heat recovery and utilization, etc.
Gas-fired power generation and power machinery:
Coal bed methane, gas, coking gas, methane, straw gas, natural gas engines and units, vehicle-mounted gas turbine generator units, methane desulphurization equipment, etc.

Biomass fuel:
Biomass liquid fuel (biodiesel, lignocellulosic conversion fuel ethanol and other fuels), biomass solid fuel, biomass gas fuel (biogas, biological hydrogen production) bioplastics, etc.; Conversion of biodiesel (fuel ethanol, biodiesel), biomass granulation equipment, breeding and cultivation of energy crops, planting and harvesting machines, pilot plant of fuel ethanol, biogas plant, etc.
Range of Exhibits:
Biomass (particles) gasification combustion boiler: efficient low-emission biomass gasifier, biomass heating equipment, drying equipment, particle gasification combustion boiler, fireplace, the use of straw, wood chips and other waste) fast-burning biochar, biomass direct combustion furnace, burning boiler smoke elimination, SN efficient biomass gasification device, straw gas type, etc.
The exhibition also showed a lot of products, here we only focus on the part of the small chicken feed making machine to communicate with businesses, hope businesses like the division I small animal feed production machine, so as to provide convenience for you.
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